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Final version review paper published
Our last news item already described our newest paper: Toward Systems Models for Obesity Prevention: A Big Role for Big Data.
The final version of the review paper is now published in Current Developments in Nutrition.
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BigO on the EMBC Virtual conference
This year, the annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society is hosting their conference online. The conference is in conjunction with the annual Conference of the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society. This new EMBS Virtual Academy takes place on 20-24 July. The conference consist of several live webcast sessions.…
Read moreNew scientific publication
On July 8th 2020, a new scientific paper from BigO was published in the journal JMIR mHealth and uHealth. It is titled: ‘Mobile Health Apps in Pediatric Obesity Treatment: Process Outcomes From a Feasibility Study of a Multicomponent Intervention’. The paper describes the process methods for applying an mHealth intervention to reduce the rate of…
Read moreData Science for Nutrition and Health
This academic year, for the first time, Masters students in Nutrition and Health at Wageningen University had the opportunity to attend a course on data science tailored to their domain expertise. Interest in the topic has been growing within the field. With the rise of projects like BigO, the need for domain experts with data science skills is also growing. Project scientists participating in the…
Read moreBigO attended the Annual Conference of the Athens Medical Society
On 19-20 June 2020 BigO attended the 46th Annual Conference of the Athens Medical Society. Normally, the conference takes place in Athens. However, due to the corona pandemic, the Athens Medical Society decided to transistion the conference to an interactive online event. BigO contributed with an e-poster entitled: BigO: Collecting Big Data with the use…
Read moreThe BigO webinar is now available to watch online
Last wednesday, the BigO webinar was organized. The webinar was a great succes. In total, 115 people registered for the webinar. People from more than twenty countries all across the globe joined the webinar. The five presentations given discussed the BigO project both from a technical perspective and a user perspective. Did you miss our…
Read moreNewsletter #3
The third BigO Newsletter is out! This newsletter gives a nice overview of the BigO project. It also includes the technical development results of year 3, the amount of data collected and all scientific publications. Click here to read it. If you do not want to miss the next newsletter, sign up for here.
Read moreEA presented the BigO project during the Generation Next Training
Monday 18 May, EA had the opportunity to present to fifteen teachers participating in the Generation Next Training. Generation Next is an educational program for the development of skills with free access for all, to new technologies and science. SciCo, which is an organisation that aims to create interest for science by young people, facilitates…
Read moreBigO Webinar | 3rd of June
On Wednesday June 3rd 14:00 (CET) the BigO consortium will host a webinar in which the project, platform, and first results will be presented. You can register now! The BigO project is a European funded ICT big data which aims to develop and validate a digital platform to collect data on children’s behavior patterns and their living environment. With…
Read moreTwo new preprints are published online
Two new preprints from BigO are now online! The first preprint is titled ‘Collecting big behavioral data for measuring behavior against obesity’. This paper presents a system which can objectively and automatically extract and collect behavioral information on the individual-level. The behavioral information extracted is all related to physical activity, for example, types of visted…
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