ECOICO2020: BigO poster presentations

Begin September, the European and International Congress on Obesity took place in the form of an online interactive event. During this conference, BigO had the opportunity to present several e-posters. Including a poster about the app itself, titled: “The BigO application: usability and engagement among adolescents and children with obesity”. This e-poster discusses the BigO application, thereby focussing on technical usability and user engagement. When interested in the results, you can read the e-poster here or watch the video below where Niahm Arthurs ellaborates on the poster.
Another e-poster was presented by Sarah Brown. The presentation was titled, “A clinical portal for childhood obesity management: acceptability and usability among healthcare professionals”. It discusses the potential benefit of the clinical portal in clinical practice for healthcare professionals. You can watch the presentation down below, or read the poster here.
In addition, there was a third poster about the Delphi Panel study, titled “Establishing consensus on key public health indicators for the monitoring and evaluation of childhood obesity interventions: A Delphi Panel Study”. The Delphi Panel study aims to identify the indicators relevant to public health authorities for monitoring and evaluating childhood obesity interventions. Read the full e-poster here. Shane O’Donnell also presnts the highlights in the following video.