BigO clinical pilot study presented at ESPE 2019
Last week, 19-21st September, the 58th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) took place in Austria. Athanasia Tragomalou (Resident in Pediatrics) was the representative of BigO and presented an ePoster on a clinical pilot study of BigO:
“BigO: The use of novel technologies for the management of childhood obesity – A clinical pilot study”
During this pilot study, 40 children and adolescents with overweight of 9-18 years old used BigO for two weeks, and took photographs of the food they consumed and food advertisements, recorded physical activity and geographic data. The evaluation of this pilot showed that these new BigO tools record the behaviour objectively, and records information about participants’ environment. This means these tools may be useful for new public health policies to address childhood obesity.
The ePoster was displayed on digital ePoster stations (see photograph) and the abstract has been published in the Hormone Research in Paediatrics Journal (DOI:10.1159/000501868) and can be found here.