The BigO project at MADiMa2020


Last week, the 6th International Workshop on Multimedia Assisted Dietary Management (MADiMa2020) took place. MADiMa aims to bring together researchers from the diverse fields of engineering, computer science and nutrition who investigate the use of information and communication technologies for better monitoring, assessment and management of food intake. The researchers present and demonstrate their latest progress and discuss novel ideas in the field.

Dr. Anastasios Delopoulos was one of these researchers. MADiMa invited him to present the BigO project. During the presentation Dr. Delopoulos discussed the aproach taken within the project. Additionally, he demonstrated indicative results of the big behavioural data analysis and causal modeling. The presentation was well received by the MADiMa audience. They especially liked the fact that BigO integrates all kinds of monitoring technologies that are within MADiMa’s scope.