The BigO project on eHealth2021

Last month, Dr. Ioannis Ioakeimidis attended the eHealth 2021 conference on behalf of BigO. eHealth is a 1-day conference on the developments in eHealth research in South-Eastern Sweden. It was organized by Linköping University and the Östergötland country on March 16th. BigO got the opportunity to contribute to this conference with a keynote presentation.
The BigO presentation was titled, ‘Collecting eHealth data from adolescents across 4 European Countries (the BigO EU project)’. During this presentation, Dr. Ioannis Ioakeimidis discussed the overall concept of the BigO project. Over 50 participants attended the presentation. The audience included clinicians (doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, etc.), health researchers of the medical and technical faculty. Comming from the whole spectrum, that is, from prevention to treatment and from development to implementations. The audience als included representatives from National Swedish Agencies (e.g., National Food Agency and Public Health agency of Sweden), School representatives (IEGS) and local County representatives.
In addition, there was a 1-hour workshop afterwards. This workshop discussed, where he further discussed the BigO data collection and analysis platform. Its current state and considerations for the future. This also included an interesting discussion session.