The BigO team analyse data collected from citizen scientists via the BigO app


Following the successful deployment of the first live-version of the data collection app, BigO scientists have started looking at real data in an effort to evaluate the data collection system and the ensuing analysis. BigO aims collect data from ‘citizen scientists’ to make estimations about the behaviours of children and teenagers, always in connection with their living environment. BigO will then use this information to inform government policy and develop effective interventions to manage and prevent childhood obesity. From March to June this year, students from three schools—two in Greece and one in Sweden— have been using the newly developed BigO app to anonymously upload various aspects of their lifestyles. As citizen scientists, the students report the food they eat, record their physical activity levels and map the food advertising encountered in their everyday life. Based on the data collected to date, the BigO team are modifying data collection processes and streamlining the analytical abilities of the system in preparation for larger scale data collection in 2019.