
Portals are available for different users, such as schools, clinics, public health authorities and the general community, after logging on. In these portals information from different sources such as activity and BMI are available. These portals can be used to monitor the data collection progress (i.e. schools, clinics) or extract data for policy making (i.e. public health officials). The community portal and public health portal are both freely accessible to all.


Privacy measures in each of the portals ensure that no information is directly traceable to an individual. Geolocation information that is collected via the myBigO app is temporarily stored on the BigO servers to extract generalised and statistical data wherefrom individuals cannot be detected. Then it is permanently removed from the BigO servers. On photographs collected via the app, faces are not allowed. These are filtered out. Administrators also check the photographs for irrelevant or indecent content, before it becomes available on the portals. All data that is stored and sent is done so deidentified, anonymised, encrypted and secured. More information can be found in our Security Flyer.