Prof. Nicos Maglaveras
Nicos Maglaveras is Professor at the Lab of Medical Informatics. His research focuses in biomedical informatics, medical expert systems, ECG/EEG analysis and medical imaging. He has also developed graduate and undergraduate courses in the areas of medical informatics, computer architecture and programming, biomedical signal processing and biological systems simulation and is the director of the graduate program in Medical Informatics in AUTH. He has authored or co-authored over 300 peer reviewed papers in international journals and conference proceedings and has participated as scientific coordinator or core partner in more than 30 national and EU projects, in areas such as health telematics, eHealth, nanotechnologies and ambient assisted living. From 2008-10 Prof. Maglaveras served as the President of EAMBES (European Alliance of Medical and Biological Engineering and Science). At present he is sharing his time between Northwestern University at Chicago and AUTH. Prof Maglaveras is the leader of the team at the lab of medical informatics and supervises the scientific work done in the context of BigO.